You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous, on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.
–Corinthians 9:10-11
Mr. George Kremer, Jr. and Mrs. Mary Kremer are the co-founders and benefactors of the Foundation.

George Kremer, Jr
George and Mary Kremer embraced their Catholic faith throughout their lifetimes and were faithful witnesses of Jesus Christ in generously sharing their resources with others in need. George, born in New York City, always remembered with fondness the religious women who were part of his youth. Mary was the middle child of a devout Ohio Catholic family who, despite very modest means, made Catholic education for their children a priority.
The Kremer Foundation gratefully and joyfully celebrates the vision and mission of the NCEA (National Catholic Educational Association) in its untiring efforts to preserve and enhance Catholic schools as a cherished part of the teaching mission of the Church.
While living in Naples, FL, the Kremers met Sr. Trinita Balbach, OSF, then principal of St. Ann’s Catholic School. After meeting Sister Trinita, the Kremers were inspired to help some of her students from parish families with financial limitations so they could continue their elementary education at St. Ann’s. Because of Sister Trinita’s advocacy for students in need, the Kremers recognized the many benefits that children accrue when educated in Catholic elementary schools, and the idea for their Foundation was formed.

Mary Kremer

The Kremers were firmly committed to the many blessings of a Catholic elementary education; an academic, spiritual, and social environment wherein young children are taught to know, love and serve God and each other at home, in school, in their parishes, and in their local and global communities.
The Kremer Foundation gratefully and joyfully celebrates the vision and mission of the NCEA (National Catholic Educational Association) in its untiring efforts to preserve and enhance Catholic schools as a cherished part of the teaching mission of the Church.
In Thanksgiving for
George and Mary Kremer
Lord God, you blessed
Elizabeth Ann Seton with gifts
of grace as wife and mother,
educator and foundress,
so that she might spend her life
in service to your people.
As George and Mary Kremer
served children through
their Foundation,
established in generosity
for tuition assistance to Catholic elementary schools, we pray that
George and Mary Kremer
may be with our Heavenly Father
in eternal peace forever.